
Was That Really God?


Have you ever sensed that God might be nudging you a bit to do something out of the ordinary, but you just can’t quite wrap your head around it? Me too.

I think that the Divine often sends us really clear direction, with elementary instructions and we turn our switch on that says, “Whoa! Wait a minute. Is that really God telling me something, or did I just have a weird reaction to my way too healthy shake that I had for breakfast?”

I hope this is an encouragement to you.

I have sensed, for a few years that God was nudging and shoving me toward something I never asked for or wanted to do. You see, God seems to frequently remind me with what I refer to as “God’s nudges, that often become shoves,” that He has plans for me that are far beyond my comfort zone.

I never aspired to be a pastor, but I am a pastor that truly loves what I have the honor to do every single day.

I never wanted or had a desire to write a silly blog, but now I can’t seem to stop.

I had no dreams to share a weekday podcast with thousands of folks, but I can’t wait to record them.

Just yesterday, I finished what I thought was a pretty good 9:30 worship gathering. I met a good many guests and loved the energy in Sugar Hill Church. Like every Sunday, we were turning the room over and I was speaking with a young lady that prayed with me, just two weeks ago to give her life to Christ about her baptism. Wow, her story in her baptism video was so moving, the music was so energizing that it felt like this was going to be a great hour.

As I baptized her, I was so emotional. It seemed to me as the Divine was reminding me, once again that I was so blessed to be a part of so many people’s lives. And the music picked up at just the right time. After a few more songs, it was time to walk out and do the offering talk and announcements, but I knew the nudge was becoming a shove.

Much more loudly than an audible voice, I thought God was saying, “Chuck, just ask if anybody wanted to choose Jesus and if so, raise their hand. I had no plan, no staffer knew it was coming, Zach (Worship Pastor) was doing his thing and I started seeing people moving toward a side door that I’d instructed them toward.

I looked and thought, O MY Stars, who will meet them and chat with them and encourage them? And as I looked at the back of the room, Tripp Atkinson (Associate Pastor) was there at the door giving me a thumbs up. I knew they were in good hands, but I have to admit, I was scared to death. What if I’d said all of those words and nobody moved, or nobody took me up on the offer. Everything in my rational, human brain said DON’T DO IT!

At the end of the service, Tripp motioned that four of those folks wanted to follow Jesus in Believer’s Baptism, and I just lost it.

It might seem like a pastor always has that kind of faith. Not this one. I struggle with trying to always understand or control what happens. And yet, God lead four of six to the water and a fifth asking the greatest questions on faith. She actually said, “When you said, “I think there is at least one more, the spotlight was shining right on me.”

My friend, don’t miss the joy and the fun of answering His nudges in your life with an excited YES! I can’t believe how many years I simply explained them away with foolish, human reasoning.

He has plans for you. Plans that will overwhelm your soul with joy and will allow you to be a part of His grand plan of redemption. I’ll never get over that.

Answer the nudge, or like me, at least answer the shove.




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