


4forFRIDAY with ACHUCKAllen 10.20.17

Each Friday I offer up at least 4 recommended reads, listens, learnings, gadgets or reviews. These are not necessarily faith-based or church-related but they each have encouraged or helped me in some way. I trust that they might do the same for you! Please feel free to leave your comments or share this 4forFRIDAY!

A Restaurant that was Far Better than I Imagined: 1910 Public House
This little gem is located in Downtown, “Old Town” Lilburn. I enjoyed the pot roast and mashed potatoes and loved it! Go ahead and grab a table outside on a fall afternoon and enjoy a pretty quaint little jewel of a restaurant. The service wasn’t awesome, but the food was really good.

A Really Solid Read: Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
Ego Is the Enemy draws on a vast array of stories and examples, from literature to philosophy to his­tory. We meet fascinating figures such as George Marshall, Jackie Robinson, Katharine Graham, Bill Belichick, and Eleanor Roosevelt, who all reached the highest levels of power and success by con­quering their own egos. Their strategies and tactics can be ours as well. This is a must-read for the type “A”  hard charger!

Another Awesome Read from Bill O’Reilly: Killing the Rising Sun
This exceptional read is worthy of a reminder from a 4for FRIDAY “past.” Autumn 1944. World War II is nearly over in Europe but is escalating in the Pacific, where American soldiers face an opponent who will go to any length to avoid defeat. The Japanese army follows the samurai code of Bushido, stipulating that surrender is a form of dishonor. Killing the Rising Sun takes readers to the bloody tropical-island battlefields of Peleliu and Iwo Jima and to the embattled Philippines, where General Douglas MacArthur has made a triumphant return and is plotting a full-scale invasion of Japan.

A Killer APP if you are trying to get fit and a Bluetooth scale that is ideal:
Study after study has confirmed the benefits of keeping track of the food you eat and the activity you do. It’s simple – the more consistently you track your food intake, the more likely you are to lose weight. That’s why every successful weight management program suggests that you keep a food diary and/or an activity log. But recording everything you eat without the right tools can be tedious at best, or simply impossible at worst. And the scale is awesome: Track weight and fitness with this Nokia Body Cardio scale. Data about your body fat, bone mass, and muscle mass is recorded and automatically syncs to the Health Mate app, so you can view your progress. This Nokia Body Cardio scale remains accurate when placed on any surface and records data for up to eight people.

A Quote that I  am Pondering from Bob Buford: 
“Success means using your knowledge and experience to satisfy yourself.
Significance means using your knowledge.” 

A Reminder of a Great Resource for You and Your Family
  AND The Daily AHA. The Daily AHA is a combination of a Gratitude Journal, Scripture, and Commentary and daily priority list. and can be found on the Sugar Hill Church APP.
5 Minutes a Day and Five Days a Week.
A Message of Encouragement and Hope from Sugar Hill Church.

Happy Friday! See you Sunday Morning at Sugar Hill Church. Our Worship Gatherings are at 9:30 & 11:00 Sunday Mornings and we are always Streaming Live!


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