
The Christian and the DACA Disaster


The Christian and the DACA Disaster by ACHUCKAllen

This is a no win, all lose issue. If you are in the President’s shoes, you campaigned on immigration reform, tax reform and health care reform. Thus far, it appears to be a challenge on every front – YOU LOSE. If you are a Dreamer or a family member at risk of being deported on the political argument of an Executive Order being given by a former president that agreed that it wasn’t constitutional – YOU LOSE. If you are a member of Congress, the body that should have already dealt with this, you face one of the worst PR nightmares of any congress in decades – YOU LOSE. Imagine the family that faces separation and deportation – YOU LOSE.

So, as a Follower of Jesus, how am I to think about this mess? Great question, right? Well, let me state once again that these difficult issues are always easier to solve from a distance. The closer you get to the source of the issue, the more complex the solution is.

As a Christian, I cannot wrap my theological arms around separating families and deporting folks based on one President’s unconstitutional executive order, or another President’s promise to get elected. Surely people created in the image of the Divine deserve better than that!

But, like my Pop used to say, HOWEVA — You must live within the rules and governance of the country which you reside in. Sounds good, but it is so much more complex than that.

My prayer, as a Follower of Jesus – AND – as a proud American citizen is this:

  1. Stop trying to put the genie back in the bottle. If folks are already here, grandfather them in, set faith-based and NGO’s in place to help get these folks legal and continuing to support our economy as they are already. I know, like you I’ve heard the argument about American jobs, etc. But seriously, can we really expect to put this genie back in the bottle? I didn’t think so. Not without destroying families and lives. You might actually discover that without these folks, our economy might just tank!

  2. Stop making this a political issue! This is a human rights issue. Set laws in place that set a firm date to grandfather. Spend the funds you would have spent to wrangle up the Dreamers and their families and use it to protect our borders and put a system in place that allows for people to arrive on our land legally and supportively.

  3. Get states on the borders the funds needed to do their job. Not to deliver a political promise.

  4. Let me say this one more time! Stop trying to fix a human rights problem with a political agenda – as I’ve already stated – NOBODY WINS!

  5. And finally, get faith-based and Non Profits involved in the process…but not with federal funds. When we try to solve human problems with governmental monies we seem to never get it right. Let the states vet the organizations that can tackle this with pure motives and systems to integrate folks into the USA I love.

Okay – RANT OVER – Even I try to make this simple and I know it is not. These small words count for little if I am not willing to be a part of the solution. As for me and the church that I am honored to serve, let us help in serving justly in our part of the world. But please…in the name of decency…stop using people created in the image of the Divine as political weapons and ploys.

For those of you that prefer my writing to be less political – SORRY – Just rambling a bit and pondering over this crisis to see if there might be a better solution than politics.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.


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