
THE CLIMB – Step Three


It’s time to get back at it. The CLIMB can’t wait, unless you really don’t care about reaching the summit…this year. What we don’t start today earns compound interest at an alarming rate. And that interest rate increases every single day that we put off or delay the next step. If you are just jumping on board, be sure to go back and read through Step One and Step Two found by simply scrolling lower. Come on! Let’s climb this sucker together!

Our task on The CLIMB today is to tackle one simple, and powerful daily routine that will – and I guarantee thisdrive your soul to a deeper peace, fulfillment, AND happiness. That’s not preacher talk. That has been overwhelmingly and scientifically proven to be true.

Start Your Day With a Fresh ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!

I just lost at least 50% of my readers. Gratitude? You want me to start my day with gratitude, Chuck? Really? I’ve got meetings at 7:00, expense reports due by 9:00, lunch with my banker at 11:45, a deadline sales pitch by conference call at 2:00, a flight to Charlotte at 5:30, dinner with a new client at 8:00, and you want me to start tomorrow off with gratitude? The answer: YES!

Take this little exercise for a test drive:
Let’s say that you are looking on TripAdvisor or Yelp for a great restaurant in Savannah, and there are 9-five star reviews and a single one-star review for a steak house, which do you view first? You most likely read the one-star review first. You don’t want to be the sucker who falls for a lousy meal, right?

As science has shown, you are more likely to remember bad events than good ones. It is called the negativity bias.

If someone compliments your outfit, you will likely not remember it beyond a few moments after the compliment. If someone trashes your style, however, you will probably remember it for years. Ask any couple trying to pick a name for their new baby. Parent #1: “How about Deanne for our new daughter?”  Parent #2: “Deanne? Deanne? Are you insane? Deanne is the name of the girl who dumped me in 6th grade” Old hurts run deep.

In other words, heartbreak stings more than the passion of a new relationship. The disappointment of losing fifty bucks last longer than the excitement of sticking your hand into your pocket one morning and finding that same fifty. It is often easier to list the negative qualities of a coworker than think of their positives.

I’m a speaker. If my Facebook review reads, “Well prepared, witty, engaging…but he ran a bit long,” what do you think I focus on?

Check this out – To automatically appreciate and not criticize, we have to consciously work to shine light on the good. You have to start practicing gratitude.
But Chuck, if I were a pastor, I would always be grateful. Really? Are you on crack? Every human on the planet must craft and hone their ability to rise above the clutter and chaos of an ever increasing world full of negative vibes. To beat it and prepare our soul to lean into all the good vibes the Divine has in store for you – you must start setting your heart, mind, soul and strength on what you are grateful for!

Because when we are grateful for what we have, what we have is more than enough. And when you know, down to the core of your bones that what you have is enough, you start making this world a far better place.
Here are today’s assignments and download.
Write down three things that you are grateful for TODAY. Not a paragraph. Not a dissertation on “Gratitude in a Post-Modern Society.” Three things you are grateful for.
Write down three things that you need to do, be, change, or accomplish that would make today awesome.
What’s the one attitude you need the Divine to strengthen you with today?
What is a short statement of affirmation that will lead you like a boss through the day that can stay in front of you?

Here is how I articulated these truths this morning. And when I say, “this morning,” I mean “first thing this morning.”

I am grateful for:
1) I’m finally recovering from the flu. 2) Having had some time away from work over the holidays. 3) People that actually read this BLOG – and tell me about it.
To make today awesome, I will
1) Work the plan I’ve designed for my day. 2) Clarify my counseling processes. 3) Meditate to quiet and focus my soul.
I need my attitude to stay intensely compassionate today.

I am a courageous leader that will stay true to my convictions.

Today’s downloadable worksheet for STEP THREE of The CLIMB: the-climb-step-three

I trust that you will make this daily effort to start, stay, and strengthen your Attitude of Gratitude.

Go Ahead, Spread Good Vibes,
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