
Pay for it!


No, the title isn’t a misprint. It’s not supposed to say PRAY FOR IT. The next time you say, “may we have our check, please?” leave a little room for the Divine to give you some direction.

Most of the folks reading this post are wealthy people. Before you start thinking, well he doesn’t know how hard things are, just let this fine bottle of thoughts breath a bit.

According to Forbes Magazine: “If your family income is $10,000 a year, you are wealthier than 84 percent of the world. If it’s $50,000 or more a year, you make more than 99 percent of the world.”

But that’s not the issue I want to address. I don’t really believe most of us have a monopoly on wealth; I think we have a monopoly on greed, selfishness, and stinginess.

Monday night, Jenny and I were sitting outside at a restaurant, enjoying a little comfort food. We noticed a Mom and two children as they sat behind us, just coming from the park. They graciously prayed over their meal and Jenny whispered to me, let’s buy their dinner tonight. In my greedy, selfish, stingy reply, I said: “do you think they need it?”

Jenny just replied, “probably not, but I believe we should.” So, as we were paying for our dinner, we asked the server to add their meal to our bill. OH, MY STARS!

We had no idea that they would finish before us and would thank us and then we heard their story. I was greatly satisfied to know that NO, they did not our help in buying their dinner at all! But this sincere and gracious family did share their story of hurt, challenge, heartache and life. And we were so grateful that the Lord said to Jenny: “DO THIS.”

The “GO AHEAD AND PAY FOR IT” lifestyle has a return on investment that will always outperform any blue-chip, high yield investment. We gained an opportunity to share about Christ’s love, find a new friend, encourage a fellow Christ-follower, talk about our kids and heartaches. And, we got to invite this kind single mom to church with us.

If the Divine prompts you in any way to pay for it. DO IT! Don’t delay. Be obedient. I will guarantee you that you will be the ones blessed beyond measure.

Go ahead – Pay for it!


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