
Hillary or Trump?

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tightening their grips on the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations.


Am I the only one that is sick and tired of being sick and tired of the adolescent behavior of the two candidates we are left with in this year’s presidential elections? 

I know there are other candidates, but I’m referring to the DONKEY & ELEPHANT nominees.

I find it hard to believe that these two folks, both failing miserably in the “do we trust you polls”, are the best that the land of the free and home of the brave can offer. Knowing our present President would complete his second term this year, the Democrats determined that the best two options for the Donkeys was Hillary and Bernie. After eight years, the best that the Elephants could offer were seventeen hopefuls, including a narcisistic billionare that can’t seem to get out of his own tantrums.

I’ve heard all the ads, listened to the candidates and I’m still in shock that this is the best we can offer as the leader of the free world!

Having ranted  a bit (yes, I feel a bit better), let’s get real here. I get it, you don’t know what to do with the Bengazi, email and foundation inconsistencies. I also get that you don’t really want to vote for a bully that seems to be void of any humility or ability to just stop talking! But we have a few reality check ups that might help us know what to do as we walk into our polling locations.

  1. VOTE! You surrender your right to gripe if you surrender your vote.
  2. Which candidate do you believe will appoint Supreme Court justices that most reflect your faith system?
  3. With the ongoing war on terror, and in particular, ISIS, which candidate do you trust to keep Americ safe and rid the world of these whackjobs?
  4. Which candidate do you believe will best protect the Constitution of The United States of America, as our Founders intended?
  5. Seek wisdom from the Divine before you cast your vote. Set aside your party preference, your like or dislike of these two folks, and ask the Lord how you should vote.

Do you really think there are folks that don’t yet know who to vote for? If so, I’ve yet to meet one. 

I know who I will vote for in November, do you?



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